Chronology of the reef project

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1994 - 1995     

Study "The biological and fishery situation in the coastal waters of M-V, limits and opportunities to influence them by artificial reefs"
Financing: Fishery taxes

1996 - 1999

Planning and preparatory investigations on the installation of the artificial reef in the coastal waters of M-V
Financing: Federal state funds and EU funding (FIAF)

1999 - 2000

Operation of a Baltic Sea Measurement station "Artificial reef - Nienhagen"
Financing: Financing: Fish and Environment M-V reg. association, University of Rostock

2002 - 2008

"Increase of the fishery value of sea areas near the coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns by installing artificial underwater habitats. Installation of a large reef in the fishery protected zone Nienhagen"
Financing: Federal state funds and EU funding (FIAF)

2009 - 2012

"Reefs in the Baltic Sea" and "Trial of an aquaculture project to produce the red alga Delesseria sanguinea at the reef Nienhagen and further investigations on the economic exploitation of the sulphated polysaccharides of this alga"
Financing: Federal state funds and EU funding (EFF)

2013 - 2015

"Reefs in the Baltic Sea"
Financing: Federal state funds and EU funding (EFF)


Letzter Fischereieinsatz im Rahmen des Riffprojektes

Wir können nicht sagen, dass die Ostsee tot ist! Riffe sind wie Oasen in der Ostsee! Hier blüht das Leben! mehr

26.08.2022 I Thomas Mohr



02.12.2021 I T. Mohr

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The Reef

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Deutschland Land der Ideen – Ausgewählter Ort 2011

Third-party fund projects supported by the European Fishery Fund (EFF) of the European Union and the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection Mecklenburg-Vorpommern